
Recent Work

Explore a selection of recent projects completed by KM Risk Consulting.

Developed & Led Economic & Geopolitical Benchmarking Exercise – December to March, 2024

Led the development, coordination, consolidation and analysis of an Economic & Geopolitical Benchmarking exercise for a Big 4 Consulting Firm. Benchmarking included examination of participants’ economic and geopolitical risk governance structure and accountabilities, organizational structure and resources, risk management approach and practices, and data and technology enablers. It also included discussion/analysis related to areas of top concern and planned investment over the next 2 to 5 years.

Developed & Led Social Risk Benchmarking Exercise – December to March, 2024

Led the development, coordination, consolidation and analysis of a Social Risk Benchmarking exercise for a Big 4 Consulting Firm. Benchmarking included examination of participants’ social risk governance structure and accountabilities, organizational structure and resources, risk management approach and practices, and data and technology enablers. It also included discussion/analysis related to areas of top concern and planned investment over the next 2 to 5 years.

Developed & Implemented IT Risk Tolerance Statements & Measures – December to January, 2024

Led the development and implementation of new IT Risk Tolerance statements and measures to monitor the risks associated with extended use of an end-of-life (EOL) critical system at a Canadian client. The statements and measures were successfully approved by the Board and implemented by ERM. The new measures are being used to determine when management should proactively invoke the contingency plan, should risk elevate to a level that is beyond tolerance before the new system is deployed.

Current State Assessment of a Crown Corporation's Risk Governance, ERM, & ORM frameworks – November to March, 2024

Performed an assessment of a Canadian Crown Corporation’s Risk Governance (design only) and ERM and ORM functions and provided strategic insights and recommendations to management and the Board. Led several workshops with the executive and senior leadership teams to share insights on peer and leading practices.

Design, Development, & Implementation of Regulatory Compliance Management Training Program at a Canadian Credit Union – May to October, 2023

Developed an end-to-end Compliance Training program, including needs analysis methodology and process, training universe and plan (to address outcomes of needs analysis), and RCM training modules for RCM 101 (all elements – all staff) and delivered “train-the-trainer” sessions to the Compliance team on the Regulatory Change Management, Compliance Universe, Compliance Risk and Control Assessment, and Internal Controls modules. Modules leveraged design thinking techniques to ensure content, format, and methods provided are user-centric and aligned with OSFI E-13 principles.

​Facilitated a 3-Day Target Operating Model Workshop – May, 2023

Day 1 and 2 involved a series of “super-hero” themed RACI workshops (“With great power comes great Roles and Responsibilities”) to help a client achieve cross-functional alignment and understanding of the key activities and roles and responsibilities associated with its core ERM, ORM, and RCM capabilities. Day 3 focused on identification and prioritization of opportunities to enhance the operating model to better enable achievement of strategic priorities.

​Design & Build of Third-Party Materiality Assessment Methodology – April to May, 2023

We helped a Financial Markets Infrastructure (“FMI”) to enhance and modernize its third-party materiality assessment methodology by expanding the scope of the process, rationalizing the list of factors and criteria used to triage and assess materiality, and by integrating the inputs to and outputs from execution of the materiality assessment with other operational resilience-related programs and capabilities.

Strategic & Reputational Risk Management benchmarking – March to May, 2023

We developed and conducted industry benchmarking on current, leading, and emerging strategic and reputational risk management practices for a big 4 consulting firm.

Enterprise and Non-Financial Risk Taxonomies – March to May, 2023

We re-designed and developed enterprise and non-financial risk taxonomies (i.e, operational, regulatory, reputational, strategic, and culture risk taxonomies) for a large Canadian financial institution.

Regulatory Compliance Management Policy Framework – February to May, 2023

We led the design and development of a Canadian Credit Union’s Regulatory Compliance Management Framework, RCM Policy, and supporting methodology and Procedures for each element of the RCM life-cycle (i.e., Regulatory Change Management, Compliance Risk and Control Assessments, Monitoring & Surveillance, Testing, Issues Management, Reporting, and their Quality Assurance/Self-Assessment Process). We also helped the 2LOD and 1LOD teams to developing RACIs and business process flows for each of the RCM elements.

Operational Resilience Policy & Procedures – January to May, 2023

We helped an FMI to establish its Operational Resilience Policy, methodology, and procedures, which work together to enable:

  • Identification of the most critical business functions;
  • Identification of the business processes, which are critical to enabling the business functions;
  • Identification of the resources (i.e., people, technology, facilities, third-parties, and data) that enable delivery of the critical business processes; and
  • Prioritized investment to continuously maintain a posture of operational resilience.

Regulatory Compliance Management Target State Design – January to February, 2023

We played Jenga with over 30 officers at a leading financial institution to understand the foundational elements of an effective Regulatory Compliance Management Program. Through competitive gameplay, individuals were able to experience the consequences of decisions they haven’t made yet in a simulated regulatory environment.

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